In response to the rising influence and power of artificial intellgence to disrupt lives and industries, in December 2023, the EU Parliament and...
ReadIndividual privacy is valued as a right in many countries around the world, and protection of privacy has become a vital concern for regulators. Yet...
ReadNearly 2.7 million Australian Directors have submitted their personal information to the Australian Business Registry Service to apply for a Director...
ReadThe September 2022 Optus data breach served as a wake-up call for the Australian government and businesses alike, driving rapid reforms to the...
ReadIn September 2022, millions of Australian Optus customers had their data hacked, causing widespread concerns of identity fraud. Optus,...
ReadThe tech giant formerly known has Facebook has recently announced that it will change its name to Meta and sharpen its focus on the development of...
ReadGDPR enforcement is ramping up. The French data protection authority CNIL has just fined Google €50 million, the world’s largest data...
ReadWe examine the central definition of ‘Personal Information’ under Australian privacy...
ReadWe look at the treatment of employee data under Australian privacy...
ReadWe look at how regulators might try and keep up with developments in...
ReadProposed changes to the Consumer Data Rights (‘CDRs’) to facilitate open banking are another example of the consumer protectionist...
ReadThe ‘Notifiable Data Breach Scheme’ imposes mandatory obligation on Australian organisations to notify individuals if a data breach that...