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Handle with care: owner drivers get new protections

Amendments to the Owner Drivers and Forestry Contractors Act create new protections for gig economy workers transporting...

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The Power of the Platform: ACCC Takes Aim at Facebook & Google

In June 2019, the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (‘ACCC’) released its’ final report from the Digital Platforms Inquiry...

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IP Rights Holders beware! Changes to Competition Laws

The repeal of the so-called “IP exemption” from the Competition and Consumer Act could significantly impact commercial dealings in IP rights....

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Blocking the exits: Directors’ rights to decline share transfers

Under Australian law, directors of companies typically have unilateral powers to reject transfers of shares by shareholders. However, below we...

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Get your records straight! ASIC record-keeping obligations and penalties

Officers have legal obligations under Australian law to keep information on ASIC registers up to...

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Your freelancer has arrived: Australian Uber drivers held not employees

In much-publicised proceedings, the Fair Work Ombudsman has found that Uber drivers are independent...

Knight in chain mail about to strike with sword terminating
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Contractual lock-in? Terminating contracts without a clause

Contracts form the backbone of almost all commercial arrangements, binding parties to perform their specified duties. But when does a breach or...

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Insolvent trading and the position of Australian directors

Under Australian law, board directors have a duty to prevent insolvent trading by corporations. Though certain exceptions may apply, failure to do so...

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Illegal phoenix activity targeted by new corporate law reforms

New reforms currently before Parliament seeks to give the Phoenix Taskforce more power to prevent illegal...

blue light array reflected in blonde girl's clear framed glasses looking privacy
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Privacy Act to be seriously strengthened by proposed amendments

The Attorney-General, Christian Porter, has announced a proposal for making the Privacy Act 1988...

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Does wi-fi sniffing breach Australian privacy law?

‘Wi-fi sniffing’ can be used to generate useful insights for businesses without breaching data protection laws. However organisations...

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Google cops world’s biggest data fine

GDPR enforcement is ramping up. The French data protection authority CNIL has just fined Google €50 million, the world’s largest data...

gig economy women looking at smartphones
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The rise of the gig economy and DDIs: a tough gig for lawmakers globally

With the gig economy and DDIs here to stay, legal systems scramble to address these new...

giant ddis uber driver with watch driving expensive car
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Regulating the gig economy and DDIs: snapshot studies of Uber and Airbnb

We take a look at the how lawmakers in Sydney and New York are regulating DDIs like Uber and...

startup young employees working on macbooks looking at records
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LAWFIT Guides: Employee records under Australian privacy law

We look at the treatment of employee data under Australian privacy...

ar satellite shot sydney electricity
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AR and the trailing footsteps of Australian privacy law

We look at how regulators might try and keep up with developments in...

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Cambridge Analytica & Facebook data harvesting controversy

Following a report that data from up to 60m Facebook accounts had been unlawfully used by its’ data partner, Cambridge Analytica, between 17...

two women next to brick wall with CCTV surveillance cameras pointing at them
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Does the GDPR apply to my Australian business?

The GDPR is a significant milestone for EU privacy law that cements a relatively rigorous privacy compliance regime which can, in certain...

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Security and the cyber giants: The stoush between Google and Symantec

Modern business is increasingly dependent on being able to trust the security and integrity of communications and network infrastructure. The...

privacy law hacking
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The Ashley Madison affair: Spotlight on cyber hacking and Australian privacy law

The Ashley Madison hack is one of the most significant data breaches in recent history. Whilst the breach was sizeable, the information compromised...

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